Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Washington Dc to London via Chicago

Well, it took nearly a full day from the time we left home until we walked into our hotel room, but we have arrived in London!  I am always amazed by the logic behind the decisions made in airports, but it certainly makes for an interesting experience.  Our first flight left Reagan on time and we arrived on time to Chicago at 1:00pm.  Unfortunately, storms and a delayed connecfing flight meant that we were going to have a three hour layover which actually turned into a nearly nine hour wait!  We finally took off at 10:00pm for out eight hour flight.

We arrived at Heathrow where Laura got a geography lesson from a customs agent! LOL!  A nice, but zanny driver dropped us off at the hotel . . . literally on the sidewalk!  Now for showers, food, and exploring London!

Rains in Chicago

Our plane finally arrives!

London in sight!

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