Thursday, December 29, 2016

Best Laid Plans...C'est la vie

I woke this morning to find that the ship was rocking more than it had last evening, but I assumed that it was due to winds as I was bumping into furniture and struggling to keep my balance. As I was preparing to head out for breakfast, they made an announcement that due to mechanical problems, we were running four hours behind our planned docking at Toulon, France.

I took advantage of the nice morning to sit on the balcony and try to get my bearings.  A couple of hours later, the captain came on the speakers and informed us that the engine could not be fixed with onboard materials and we were heading back to Barcelona for repairs.

He then told us that the cruise would not be continuing on to any of the other destinations. 😢

So, nearly 12 hours later, we are still heading to Barcelona at a very slow speed hoping to arrive sometime in the night.  I am planning to spend the day further exploring the city and wait to see what happens next!  I do know that I will make it to Rome soon, even if it not on this trip! ☺

(Below) The sun setting on the Mediterranean Sea from my balcony.


  1. I'm so sorry about this and I hope Viking compensates you well for messing up the trip of a lifetime! I know you will get to Rome in the future--and you can now add Barcelona and the beautiful Mediterranean to your list of places visited. That's a great shot from your balcony! You are a veteran traveler now for sure, with great stories to tell about so many places--and learning how to adapt to the craziest situations. Safe travels home!

  2. Safe travels you will get to Rome soon

    1. Thank you, Brandon! I need to keep positive thoughts and enjoy myself. I appreciate the suppoetive reminder. Thanks for following me on my trip.

  3. They should put you all on another ship! Sorry you went through this ordeal. Beautiful pics, Dee
