The second wave of change came from the 1929 International Expo. I had seen part of the buildings earlier this week when I saw the Spanish Village, but this building was where the main event was held.
It was only meant to stand for eight months, so once they decided to use it for an art museum, they had to rebuild the foundation and provide more supports for the dome.
One of the tour guides said that this building iis nicknamed the Royal Palace because the king of Spain spent one night there during the 1929 exhibition.
Today, the building is an art museum that houses a thousand years worth of art from Spanish artists in a wide range of styles from Romanesque to art nuevo in the Museu Nacional D'Art Catalunya.
At the front of the museum, the balcony provides a panoramic viww of the city with the mountains in the background. In the center, is a forum that once contained other portions of the exhibition. Today, it provides an open air meeting place and will be the location of the city's New Year's Eve celebration.

Great pics! And such a beautiful city!