Sunday, July 19, 2015


Located on the top of Castle Rock, a volcanic rock with steep cliffs on three sides, Edinburgh Castle was a fortress and royal residence from the first century AD.  
Edinburgh Castle from the view of Princes Street

Looking over the wall of Edinburgh Castle from the One O'Clock Gun and the Canon Gallery.  (The One O’Clock Gun – fired 6 days a week at 1 pm. – Purpose – a shipping aid; to navigate accurately to calibrate with the position of the sun when clocks were less accurate and the cloudy skies made use of the sun unreliable)

Located on the north side of the Crown Square, this was the castle's Royal Chapel during the reign of David II in 1366 AD.  When the primary royal residence moved to Holyrood Palace, this became a munitions store by 1538 AD and then a barracks to accommodate 270 soldiers by 1754 AD.

Bagpipes played at the entrance of the castle and the beginning of the Royal Mile.

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