Sunday, July 19, 2015


Constructed more than 5000 years ago, the true purpose of Stonehenge is not clearly understood.  Some believe it has connections to the phases of the moon or the seasons and the sun.  It could be a temple that was never completed or an open air temple for sacrifice.  There is much mystery surrounding the stones in the middle of a pasture and more than half of the area has yet to be fully explored.
Laura listening to the audio tour that provides information and highlights as visitors walk around the site.

Two types of stones were used – bluestones (weighing as much as 25 tons and brought from 145 miles away) and Sarsen stones (18 feet in height and 25 tons in weight)

Over the years, concrete and cement have been used for repairs and to reinforce the foundations of the standing stones from the ware of too many visitors walking close to the stones.

Stones were shaped and placed.  There are joints that were shaped to fit and secure the stones in place. Similar to Legos!

It was very windy in the open pasture, but the cool breeze was a relief after the high temperatures we found in the city.