Sunday, July 19, 2015

Tower of London

The ravens are kept in the Tower of London with clipped wings since King Charles II believed the legend that the fortress and kingdom would fall if the ravens left the tower.  The Official Crown Jewels are kept in a secure vault in the Waterloo Barracks Building.  They include 23,578 gems in the collection, including the Imperial State Crown which has the largest diamond ever found!

The Tower of London was built to defend the city of London by re-using some of stones from the existing Roman walls of the city originally built in 200 AD.  While it was, at times, a royal residence, it was rarely favored as the home of monarchs.  They preferred other palaces.  It was also not the first line of defense for the city.  It is a fortress and stronghold.  At times, it held archives as well as riches of the monarchs.  It later also became a regular prison during the reign of King Edward I at the end if the 13th century.  Prisoners were often influential or wealthy individuals including two woves of King Henry VIII and Elizabeth I during the reign of her sister, Mary.  It also held prisoners during World War II, including one of Hitler's spies who was also executed at the Tower.

The Tower of London – The slight arch of darkness at the base of the castle on the left is known as Traitor’s Gate.  Before the embankment of the Thames River to prevent flooding, is was a river entrance to the Tower for transporting prisoners.  This provided less chance of escape and disturbance by the public.

It is said that since it was built by William the Conqueror in 1068 AD, whoever controls the Tower, controls England

Keep inside the Tower of London Castle (White Tower)

Where they keep the Crown Jewels! (Waterloo Barracks)

Laura in front of the White Tower

The inside top of the portcullis – this is how they raise it and lower it!

Really quick glimpse of the last remaining section of the Roman wall when London was a Roman city. 

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