Friday, July 6, 2018

A Walk Around Riga, Latvia Part 2

The Russian Orthodox Cathedral was built in 1884 with five gilded cupolas. Photography is not allowed inside, but when I walked around I could see that every inch was filled with artwork. The walls were floor-to-ceiling, including the ceiling, covered in fresco paintings with bright colors. There was gold and silver everywhere. It is hard to believe that it was completely renovated after 1990, because during the Soviet era the walls and ceiling were painted white and the building was used as a planetarium.

Yebak's Barracks were built in the 18th century to house the Russian army. Today, Old Rigas longest building is now a series of shops, cafes, and exhibition halls. At the end of the building the coat of arms for Riga Latvia and its regions can be seen.

Powder Tower is one of the last remaining towers from the 13th century fortification of the city. It got its name from the 17th century when the gunpodwer was stored there. Cannon balls are still embedded in the wall of the tower from the attacks on the city over the centuries.

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