Friday, July 20, 2018

Catherine Palace, St. Petersburg, Russia

The front court of the Catherine Palace.  It was built in the 1730s by Peter I (Peter the Great) for his wife, Catherine.

The palace is outside the city of St. Petersburg and was favored by Peter's daughter, Elizabeth.

The gilding on the chapel has remained, the statues on the sides of the building have had the gilding removed.  All of the brown-painted statues were once completely gilded as well.  However, when the Nazis had Leningrad under siege, their officers lived within the palace.  On their way out, they tried to burn down the palace.

Renovations of the palace include restoring the floors that had been hidden under temporary flooring prior to the occupation of the Nazis.  Because of that, all visitors have to wear coverings over their shoes to prevent damage to the original floors throughout the palace.

I found this blue and white piece interesting.  It is a steam heater.  On the sub levels, there were stoves where fires were tended by servants.  There were vents connected to pieces like this that directed the heat to the rooms where the members of the imperial family lived.

Entrance gate to Catherine's Palace

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