Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Hermitage/Winter Palace, St. Petersburg, Russia

Built in 1756 for Peter the Great's daughter, Elizabeth, the oldest building of The Hermitage Museum was originally the Winter Palace.

Above is a corridor inspired by one in the Vatican commissioned by Catherine the Great.

The palace first became a museum when Catherine the Great decided to transfer her vast art collection to the palace and build an addition to house it.

Above is the throne of the tsars of Russua in the Winter Palace.

The expansion became known as the hermitage or "a place of solitude" because it was a quiet place for Catherine where even the servants did not bother her. Today, it is filled with art and people. There is little solitude to be found.


  1. I like the picture of the throne. I can just imagine Catherine the Great sitting on the throne.

  2. They definitely had plenty of money to build something like this, and yes it's stunning. Everything is decorated lavishly and artistically. Photos don't really do it justice like seeing it in person I imagine. Awesome.
