Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Let's Try This Once More!

They say you should get right back on the horse....and so after my last (aborted) cruise, I have headed back to the Mediterranean Sea!  This time, I will start in Venice and end in Barcelona.  The map below shows my route.

Due to the experience of the last cruise I also benefited from an upgrade! I have a room with a view from the side and front of the ship along with a nice, comfy chair on which to enjoy my morning tea!

The ship is called the Viking Sky and it has eight decks with more than 900 passenger! The entire population of our school could fill this ship!  All of the places that I will visit on this trip were either part of or influenced by the Roman Empire. Our first stop is Venice, Italy.  To get to the city, we have to take water taxis and shuttle boats.

Venice was not a major city during the Roman Empire. The land that now makes up the city, was a close collection of 118 islands with soft land that was not good for building and was mostly inhabited by fishermen.  When the barbarians attacked the region in the 5th century, this group of islands became the ideal place for the fishermen to settle their families because navigating the shallow areas was difficult and this kept the people safe from invasion.  Over time, many of the islands were filled in with dirt, wooden supports were pressed deep enough in the ground to pertify into the strength of stone, and more than 400 bridges were built to connect the islands.  Today, there are only 18 distinct islands in Venice.

If you look below at the front of the ship, you can easily locate my stateroom. It is the first room on the third level where the first level of balconies is located. I can see from large windows facing the front of the ship and a balcony from the side.  More pictures will be shared when I return!

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